From fundamentals of marketing to a roadmap of earning revenues, to the CATT marketing funnel, I will discuss many different topics in this article. Entrepreneurs, businessmen, consultants, coaches, and all those who are looking to make it big in the digital world will find this article useful.
Would you like to know why some individual brands and businesses do extremely well with digital marketing and why this is not working for you?
Would you like to know how your process could be set to generate revenue and meet your financial goals in a simple way?
This blog will be able to answer this question and help you solve it. Let’s roll!
It will be more helpful if, before we start with the funnels and all, a few basic ideas regarding the laws & fundamentals of marketing and economics are discussed so that you’ll be able to better understand all the topics that we will cover.
So let’s start with the fundamentals of marketing.
Our understanding of marketing is often distorted by many different perspectives and views.
In some cases, we get marketing confused with sales and advertising. According to some of us, it’s creative and used to manipulate the market.
Marketing is in reality about human psychology, and it is about science. It is the science of understanding human psychology at a large scale and influencing a mass number of people to think the same way when they see your brand.
Marketing is the act of communicating with your audience.
There is more to marketing than just selling the right products to the right people. In fact, marketing involves more than just selling stuff. It also involves keeping existing customers happy, getting them to purchase again, and creating an amazing brand experience.
“The consumer isn’t a moron. She is your wife.” ― David Ogilvy, Confessions of an Advertising Man
Now what you need to consider here is that you need Good Product + Good Marketing to succeed in the business.
When your product is bad and you are marketing it aggressively, two things can happen!
Sales will be high and you will create the impression that your product is good and affordable.
You can invite the death of your company to happen at any moment.
The copywriting, advertising, sales, and other components are all part of the marketing, and they are integrated to build the brand, make an impact and bring change.

Now that you have a firm understanding of the value of marketing, let’s discuss the marketing plan you need to earn One Crore in revenue.
I know you are already thinking about this!!

When you think of earning one crore it seems unrealistic, but when you calculate it, it seems achievable through different strategies and planning, and you can even combine this to set your own funnel. Suppose you’re a consultant or coach who is involved in business strategies for selling products.
What do you do?
You teach professionals to sell. What can you do here and how can you set up your funnel? The first step of the funnel is that you are providing webinars on the topic of selling & the cost of each webinar is 149/199 INR per person and you are doing a lot of free content on the social media platforms as well.
Secondly, you can convert them who have already taken part in your webinars into paying customers who pay you between 5,000 and 10,000 rupees for the complete course. Now you are converting them from those who participated in the course worth 10,000 INR and upselling them into personal mentoring, group coaching programs, or mastermind consultancy worth 1 lakh and further funnels.
The following is just a basic overview. Next, we will discuss the CATT funnel.

CATT Funnel-
Content – You should create content that offers real value to the audience of your business. It can be educational, amusing, statistical, and other things.
Create both free and paid content, as well as exclusive and unique content, but make certain it is of good quality.
Attention – Creating high-quality content will not be enough in today’s business landscape. You need to communicate this through paid advertising, SEO, social media, blog posts, and more. Customer attention needs to be drawn to your content.
Trust – Building trust means connecting with the audience that is regularly engaging with your content, bringing them in through your email marketing, inviting them to join your premium community, showing them that you respect their presence, and showing that you are a company worthy of their trust.
Transaction- You must convert warm leads into paying customers who know you, trust you, and represent your brand.
Happy customers are a company’s greatest asset.
( You will need Landing Pages, Sales Copy, Quality Content, Email Marketing and Automation to succeed in this process.)
It is imperative that you use these four steps to reinforce the lesson we covered about earning 1 crore in revenue and establish a strong financial foundation.
Personal Branding-
We have covered the content, attention, traffic, trust, transaction, and you’re familiar with the basics of marketing and the system that generates revenue, but in order to make everything effective and influencing, we must create our own personal brand!

Let’s talk about the most important thing you should be doing, Personal Branding!
This is Personal Branding. Think about it, you have good knowledge about something or some good items in your brand portfolio, you have some other ideas in your mind or startup opportunity, but what if no one knows about it? will you achieve the results you are looking for?
What are your chances of getting the appreciation you deserve? Getting into the spotlight, Product success?
Nothing will happen right!
This means that you need to stand out for yourself, your brand, and your business!
You need to speak up, you need to put yourself out there, and most of all, you need to convey the message that you want to share.
Think of Tesla, for instance! Tesla is a prime example! What is Tesla’s biggest marketing strategy?
All it takes is one tweet from Elon Musk and boom!
This is the power of personal branding that we all need to understand!
Therefore, go ahead and make an impact, bring change and create your personal brand for yourself, your business and have the influence!
Integrated Digital Marketing
I want to tell you about a mistake that many people and businesses make when marketing online.
As a rule, they distribute their efforts across all media and platforms separately and expect results.
For instance, some businesses only use social media and expect sales… Some only use SEO, complaining that people aren’t buying. The same applies to paid marketing.

In order to take advantage of digital marketing, a complete integrated process is required in which all aspects and components are integrated so that they can support and generate revenues.
Traditional VS Digital Marketing

Right now you are just wondering, “Palak, should I just use digital marketing for my business?”?
Well, I could answer this question as well. Let’s understand this thing as well.
Traditional marketing is still highly effective today due to the fact that people still trust the products that have been promoted through traditional channels of communication.
In addition, according to statistics, in India out of 298 million homes, 197 million of them have televisions installed, which is far more than the number of mobile phones or laptops.
Traditionally, traditional marketing delivers more trust than digital marketing, but digital marketing also comes out on top in some points like targeting specific audiences.
You should look into traditional marketing if you are marketing a product that has a large audience and a low end price.
You must consider the both of these factors and your content must be contextualized in such a way that the brand experience remains constant.
A TV ad alone isn’t the best way to go, Radio and newspaper ads are also viable options.
Let’s not forget the end goal of marketing – “To deliver your message in the most appropriate way to your audience.” No matter what medium you choose, the essentials will always remain the same.
Important Things to remind –
I want you to keep these things in mind.
-Marketing automation and a personalized approach are the future.
-All digital marketing processes should be synchronized and should work in tandem.
-In case you cannot be the most competitive in the main category, strive to be the most competitive in the subcategory.
-Try to be the only one in the field.
-In business, it is never a good idea to completely outsource marketing.
-A key part of marketing is changing perceptions.
The purpose of this blog post was to cover many topics about marketing and the CATT funnel in general. In the upcoming articles, I will cover a variety of topics related to digital marketing.
Thank you so much for reading this post so far, and if I have provided you with something valuable, please give me a “Valuable” comment in the comment section.